We are all made of parts
The parts of ourselves we love
The parts that are easy to show up
The parts that others love about us
The parts that long to grow
The parts that hold what and who are dear to us
There are parts of us that we dislike
Parts that we shun and do not get heard
Parts that have deep resentments
Parts that carry deep sorrow
Parts that can’t let go
We have in us parts that know of hope
Parts that yearn for love
Parts that speak of justice
Parts that cry out of anger
And in this parts-filled lives we learn
To face each part and hold them dearly
To give each part a space to be held
To be cared for, to be seen
Each part of us are valid
They speak of long held beliefs
Of expectations we have of ourselves
And those from others around us
Of the roles we fill in
And of the dreams we keep alive
All parts of us bring wisdom
Of what our systems are seeking
Of congruence
Of harmony
Of balance
Of integration
We are all made of parts
Like an ecosystem within an ecosystem
Each part different
Each part vital
Each part holy
And as we heal
We learn to care for the parts of us
That we haven’t yet learned to love
May 13, 2024